Absorption Kendal Industrial Estate Invests Up to Rp 200 Trillion
Development of the Kendal Industrial Area (KIK) has a positive effect on increasing investment in Indonesia.The first integrated area in Central Jav

KIK Spurs Central Java's Contribution to National Economy
The government encourages the acceleration of the development of the Kendal Industrial Area (KIK) because it is expected to be one of the strategic e

Kendal Will Become the Fashion Industry Center
PT Jababeka Industrial Estate Tbk plans to make Kendal, Central Java, a fashion city. Jababeka plans to develop the Kendal Industrial Area (KIK) as t

Industrial Area Attracts Rp 300 T Investment
Industrial estates are estimated to attract investment of around Rp 300 trillion in 2018. If all this time the incentives are only given to industry,

This Evidence of Economic Growth in Kendal Grows Fast
Economic growth in the District of Kendal, Central Java (Central Java), experienced a significant increase throughout 2017. This was evidenced by th