Ministry of Industry Facilitates Development of Furniture Industry Polytechnic in Kendal

October 10, 2017

The Ministry of Industry facilitated the construction of the Furniture Industry and Wood Processing Polytechnic in Kendal Industrial Estate, Central Java. In addition to organizing vocational education aimed at producing competent and ready-to-work graduates, this polytechnic is also designed to be a center for technological innovation and product development in the domestic furniture and wood processing industry. "Furniture Industry Polytechnic as one of the best practices of the implementation of high-level vocational education that we initiate through the concept of link and match between the world of academia and industry," said Secretary General of the Ministry of Industry Haris Munandar at the Placement of the First Pole in the Development of Furniture Industry and Wood Processing Polytechnic in the Area Kendal Industry, Central Java, Tuesday (10/10/2017).

According to Haris, since the beginning of the development planning of this polytechnic, the Ministry of Industry together with industry players and related stakeholders have designed various needs that are needed such as curriculum preparation and teaching staff selection. "Here, it will also provide production process and testing services as well as the development of applied researches, so that the business world can truly benefit," he said. Haris added, the learning system applied in this polytechnic will be integrated between education on campus and work practices in industry or known as dual systems. For the development of dual system-based industrial vocational education, the Ministry of Industry cooperates with the Swiss government.

"The synergy steps that have been agreed upon include technical assistance in the development of vocational education systems, school management, enhancing the capabilities of management HR and teaching staff, and supporting the strengthening of polytechnic cooperation with industry," he explained. Although currently the study program developed in the Furniture Industry Polytechnic is still focused on the furniture and wood processing industry, it does not rule out the possibility of expanding new study programs according to the needs of the industrial sector in the Kendal Industrial Estate and its surroundings. "We hope that this polytechnic can boost the competitiveness of the Kendal Industrial Estate and its industries, and encourage economic improvement in Kendal and Central Java Provinces," Haris said.

The Secretary General of the Ministry of Industry targets the construction of the Furniture Industry Polytechnic building to be completed next year so that it can begin the implementation of the first generation education. "We also hope that the construction of this building can be carried out and completed on time according to the specifications that have been set. We also ask all parties involved to supervise the ongoing process so that there are no problems in the future," he said. The Ministry of Industry noted that employment in the furniture industry amounted to 101,346 people in 2016 and is projected to reach 202,692 people in 2018. In 2016, the value of national furniture exports amounted to USD1.7 billion with contributions from Central Java around USD0.98 billion or 57 percent . In the next two years, national furniture exports are targeted to reach USD 5 billion with contributions from Central Java of USD 2.9 billion. The main objectives of Indonesian furniture exports in the future are the markets of the United States, Japan and Western Europe.
