Awesome, Investing in Kendal SEZ Brings Fortune! Exports of Millions of Dollars of Bicycle Products Released by the Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang

October 15, 2021 – By: Candra Mata | Thursday, October 14, 2021 - 09:31 WIB


Jakarta, Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita stated that Kendal will become one of the developed and prosperous districts. The reason is, in this area, there is an international standard industrial area called the Kendal Special Economic Zone (KEK).

In fact, this SEZ will be a forum for investment from international companies, especially in the manufacturing industry. For this reason, the Minister of Industry Agus will try to provide various incentives to support industrial development and industrial estates in Kendal, one of which is the price of industrial gas at 6 USD per MMBTU.


"We will support the Kendal SEZ to obtain a gas price of 6 USD per mmbtu so that the industry grows and is competitive," said Minister of Industry Agus when releasing bicycle exports from PT Roda Maju Bahagia at the Kendal SEZ, quoted by the editorial on Wednesday ( 13/10/2021).


Not only that, for the smooth flow of goods and supporting transportation, the Minister of Industry Agus will also try to advance the Kendal Port. The Minister of Industry is optimistic that various supports will be able to accelerate economic growth.


"In Kendal, there is also a Polytechnic, this is a form of support for industrial growth in Kendal," he said.


The Minister of Industry emphasized that he would always try to provide convenience, especially in the investment sector, especially for export-oriented industry players.


“One by one, we are looking at the problems that hinder our export performance and looking for solutions. We will continue to simplify and cut down on regulations and bureaucratic procedures that are considered complicated and hinder the investment and export process," he explained.


The Minister of Industry also stated that his party would seek to create new export markets such as in Africa and South America.


"We also continue to strive to create new markets in non-traditional countries so that our export market is wider, in addition to optimizing various existing trade agreements," he said.


On that occasion, the Minister of Industry also gave his appreciation to PT. Roda Maju Bahagia forward Happiness, which has exported its 50th bicycle under the Element brand.


Meanwhile, the Managing Director of Kendal SEZ, Purbadi, told that PT Roda Maju Bahagia itself is an investor whose business growth is very fast. Where, at this time, the bicycle company has expanded to develop its new factory in the Kendal SEZ.


"Business in the Kendal SEZ brings fortune, said Hendra (CEO of Roda Maju Bahagia), and he invited his partners such as PT Borine Indonesia from China to invest in the Kendal SEZ,"


As for the Kendal SEZ itself, according to Purbadi, 70 multinational companies have joined from 8 countries with a total investment value of Rp 22.2 trillion.


"The fast growth of investors in the Kendal SEZ is due to the full support from the central, provincial and local governments, excellent service and tax incentives so that the Kendal SEZ is able to be competitive with other countries," concluded Purbadi.


Just so you know, PT Roda Maju Bahagia which is located in the Kendal Industrial Estate (KIK) has exported 13 thousand bicycles to various countries, such as Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, India, and Korea with a total export value of 2.8 million USD. This was conveyed by the CEO of PT Roda Maju Bahagia, Hendra. He said that so far, he has succeeded in carrying out his 50th export with local bicycle products with the Element and Camp brands.


"Our total export value is around USD 2.8 million for 13 thousand bicycles. We will also market our products to the local market, Indonesia," he said at the location.


In addition, they also plan to expand the export market by entering countries in Asia. The export launch itself was also attended by the Head of Standardization and Policy for Industrial Services at the Ministry of Industry, Doddy Rahadi, and the Regent of Kendal, Dico M. Ganinduto.


Regent Dico in his presentation said that 80 percent of the companies that were established in the Kendal SEZ would later be oriented to export products. The Regent also fully encouraged companies in Kendal to improve the quality and quantity of products marketed to foreign countries. Thus, products from Kendal can be well-known in various countries to increase their expansion even further.


It should be noted that the Kendal SEZ itself was developed by PT Jababeka, Tbk (KIJA), and Sembcorp Singapore. This integrated industrial area was inaugurated directly by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo and the Prime Minister of Singapore Lee Hsien Loong in 2016. Kendal SEZ itself is listed as one of the best SEZs or a role model for the development of other new industrial areas in Indonesia, especially in Central Java.