January 22, 2020
Wisnu Adhi Nugroho antaranews.com - January 22nd, 2020 - 20:06 WIB
"Kendal is
already running, we will accelerate Brebes, hopefully this year will start"
(ANTARA) - The Kendal Industrial Park in
Central Java Province, precisely in Batang and Brebes Regencies, has been
accelerated as an effort to achieve the seven percent economic growth target.
is never ending, but the small ones are already running. The trunk, once
entered in one or two years, will continue, keep rolling. Kendal is already running,
we will accelerate Brebes, hopefully this year will start, if it is settled
next year construction and further selling, "said Central Java Governor
Ganjar Pranowo in Semarang on Wednesday.
Ganjar said
the development of Kendal Industrial Park
in the two regencies will begin in 2020 and will continue, especially since
Central Java is now the backbone of national economic growth.
Central Java has a development role model such as the Kendal Industrial park,"
he said when receiving the Indonesian Industrial park Association Board in the
governor's office.
As a pilot,
Ganjar said that the Kendal Industrial Park was suitable as a pilot because in
addition to good management, the government was also active in establishing
communication, especially when entrepreneurs encountered obstacles.
"The Kendal industry can be an example for other industrial park. How to manage well, management, councils, community building up to licenses," he said.